As long as I can remember my hands and mind were most satisfied when I was making something.
It wasn't until later in life that I realised I was an artist.
Therefore I've have had little formal training but lots of experience working with paint, paper, found objects and different fibres.
My art practice is a physical and therapeutic way for me to express my inspiration and to connect with others in community. It reflects my inquisitiveness regarding colour, form and up-cycling.
My passion is to use my artistic skills to help people experience the joy of creating
and to find their own artistic vision.
Explore my web page and discover the many voices I have found to express my creativity.
It wasn't until later in life that I realised I was an artist.
Therefore I've have had little formal training but lots of experience working with paint, paper, found objects and different fibres.
My art practice is a physical and therapeutic way for me to express my inspiration and to connect with others in community. It reflects my inquisitiveness regarding colour, form and up-cycling.
My passion is to use my artistic skills to help people experience the joy of creating
and to find their own artistic vision.
Explore my web page and discover the many voices I have found to express my creativity.
Online exhibition Fanciful Flowers & Fantastic Flora Imaginative floral shapes expressed using textiles and found objects. |
Past work patchwork, painting, 3D crochet, weaving, pen work, mandalas.